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Updated and Uploaded to Web:February 1st, 2025


All Morning Sun Hard & Soft cover titles now have FREE Shipping!
(Price listed is subject to availability. Price may be higher if not in our stock.)

Books are listed aphabetically by FIRST letter, first word.
Books starting with a number are on page "A".

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Books starting with "E"

New Shipping Prices Effective Immediately;
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(USPS/Media Mail) - First book $6.50; Each additional book $1.50

Retail Price
Our Price
Erie Lackawanna in the Conrail Era Volume 3: 1991-1999
By Stephen M. Timko
The final entry in this series features former Erie Lackawanna property and equipment from 1991-1999. Travel east-west across the former EL system viewing CP, NYS&W, Ohio Central, and other operations! 128 pages, Hardcover.
Our price for this Morning Sun Title DOES include FREE Shippin
Erie Railroad Official Photography Vol 1: A to C
By Daniel G. Biernacki
The ‘40s, '50s and EL merger featuring Addison, Akron, Arden, Ashland, Rowe Street (Bloomfield), Binghamton, Bouchoux, Bradford Div., Bridges, Brier Hill, Buffalo, Callicoon, Cambridge Springs, Chicago, Corning, and the first part of Cleveland! 128 pages, All B&W, Softcover.
Our price for this Morning Sun Title DOES include FREE Shippin


All Morning Sun Hard & Soft cover titles now have FREE Shipping!
(Price listed is subject to availability. Price may be higher if not in our stock.)

